
Windsor Office:
1725 North Talbot Road, RR#1
Windsor, ON,  N9A 6J3
Tel: 519.737.7234  Fax: 519.737.7796

Dartmouth Office:
2 Stonehaven Crescent
Dartmouth, NS  B2V 2S1
Tel: 902.499.9283  Fax: 902.462.2897

Guelph Office:
York Business Centre
Building A, Suite 215
490 York Road
Guelph, ON  N1E 6V1
Tel: 519.822.7234  Fax: 855.531.3774


Motor Vehicle Accident Investigation and Analysis


HRYCAY has investigated over five thousand serious motor vehicle accidents across Canada and the United States. Our clients have included major insurance companies, national trucking firms, independent adjusters, legal counsel and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs).

In the investigation and engineering analysis of an accident, we utilize numerous engineering tools including Leica Electronic Total Stations, Crash Data Retrieval Kit, ABS – Expert, RAI Air System-Expert, and VBOX RaceLogic data acquisition system. We employ computer software such as AutoCAD, HVE-3D, and 3D StudioMax to assist in the documentation and graphic depiction of our investigative findings.


The collection and documentation of physical evidence can be done through photography, videography or by using state-of-the-art survey equipment. Various computer software packages are used to generate drawings, to perform analyses of the vehicle dynamics and to study the 3-dimensional movements of vehicle occupants in impacts. The results of our analyses can be graphically presented in 2-D drawings or visualized in 2-or 3-D using a sequence of computer generated images often referred to as animation.